A computer for Express Printing is available in the Copy Services Office:
Enter the main library, and turn right. Enter the Infusion area. There is a large Infusion sign on the wall, on your left. When that wall ends, turn left. Around the corner and on your left is the Copy Services office, where you will find the Express Print computer.
You can bring your document on a flash drive, or go to your email and open the document to get it printed. Be quick about it: You are invited to spend 15 minutes, maximum, on the Express Print computer. Send your fabulous document to the print release stations in the library to get the printed copy. As it happens, there is a print release station in Infusion, steps away from the Express Print computer!
Another option available when the Express Print computer is busy or the Copy Services Office is closed: Go to the Research Assistance & Information Desk -- the round blue desk in the middle of the entrance floor (2nd floor).
Two computers on one of the columns next to the desk are designated for library catalog searching only.
These two computers are intended for quick, short-term use; they do not have software installed and cannot access any databases, full-text journals, email, WebCourses, or the Internet.
If all you need to do is print a document (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), then you can open the file from a flash drive and print it. Only the software viewers are installed on these two computers; if you need to edit the document then you'll need to use one of the other public computers in the library. If you need to access your email or a course website to retrieve the document, then you'll need to use one of the other public computers in the library.
Ask staff at the Research Assistance & Information Desk for help in locating available public computers.
Why aren't there express computers on every floor of the library? Given the limited number of public computers available on other floors, we need to maximize their usage by not restricting the computers to specific purposes. Ask a library staff member for assistance in locating available public computers. During the busiest hours of the day we have a staff member roving the floors with a portable computer who can check the library catalog for you.
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